
RRA Introduction

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Objectives and Duties

Objectives and Duties

Establishment purpose and rationale
  • Established on February 5, 1966, by the Presidential Decree No. 2397, RRA is designed to ensure efficient research of radio resources and radio wave environments, and conduct research on quality certification and technical criteria with regard to broadcasting and communications equipment, thereby contributing to developing of the nation쨈s broadcasting and communications industry.
  • RRA is a government agency by the Government Organization Law, and a state-run research institute established pursuant to the Organization System of the MSIP and its Subordinated Agencies.
  • Research and develops radio wave resources and methods of radio waves
  • Research the environment of radio waves and its protection
  • Certificates, tests , and conducts follow-up management of broadcasting and communications equipment
  • Conducts international registration of frequencies and subsequently cooperates with international organizations and foreign agencies
  • Enacts technical criteria of broadcasting and communications equipment


  1. Conformity Assessment System
  2. Technical Regulation and National Standard(NS)
  3. Specific Absorption Rate
  4. The Other Main Businesses
  5. RRA Introduction